
Music for the soul

Hi all

Painting has been tough these last few months. With covid having affected many artists sales, now the cost of living crisis it seems to be one thing after another. As art, to many, is not an essential, a lot of the worlds issues have impacted artists negatively. However to many artists, art is essential. Its’ essential for their mental health and well being, its essential to be able to make a living and essential for them to support their families.

so as you can imagine all of the world issues going on it has hindered the creative process within many of us. So sometimes we need something to inspire us and force the creativity out of us. This album has done just that for me. this does just happen to be my youngest sister, but honestly this album is full of passion, real life inspiration and emotions and honestly is just the most feel good album I have heard in a long time and it has definitely gotten the creative juices flowing again.

So if like me you were struggling to create in this chaotic world then turn off the tv, the phones, escape social media and world pressures and turn this album up full blast. you will not regret it.

You can thank me later 🙂

1896 Art Gallery

Hi all. Just wanted to let you know as of Wednesday the 15th of September 2021 I am taking part in an exhibition in the 1896 Gallery in Boat of Garten, Scotland. Please if you are in the area pop in to the beautiful gallery featuring work by lots of incredibly talented artists. 😊


And… that’s a wrap. What a fab time we had at my exhibition at the Family Tree Art gallery on Friday evening ( the 16th of November) and Saturday (the 17th)

It was great having so many people come up to view and purchase my new work while enjoying a little glass of fizz and a chat.

We had visitors old and new from near and far all with lovely feed back on my new work.

This was my last show on 2019 and I am very happy with it. I hope if you came along then you were too 😊🎉 watch this space for dates for the next one 😊🎉

A little look at my beautiful studio. 😊

My family and friends all played a huge part in building my studio and gallery.

I could not have done it without such a talented and generous dad and mum.

We are still always working on it and have plans to expand the space so we can display and sell my dads beautiful hand made furniture also. Watch this space for studio updates.

You can check out my dads work at 😊